Celebrating the 4th of July

I thought I’d deviate slightly from the usual tech post and share some brief thoughts on the importance of this day commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.

Statue of Liberty

Visiting the Statue of Liberty while visiting NYC

This day is not just another date on the calendar, but a celebration of our nation’s birth, our heritage of liberty, and the enduring resilience of the American spirit. The Fourth of July is more than just barbecues (as important as they are) and parades; it’s about honoring and celebrating our nation’s core principles and the freedoms we often take for granted. We celebrate the freedom of speech, the freedom of religion, the freedom to dream, to innovate, to prosper.

It is also a reminder of the brave souls who fought and still fight for these rights today. Among the many symbols that embody our national pride, the American flag stands proud and significant. As we honor our flag, we are not merely celebrating a piece of cloth but are expressing our respect and gratitude for the liberty, justice, and democracy it represents.

Mount Rushmore

One of my favorite monuments, Mount Rushmore

More people need to actually read and attempt to understand the intent behind our Constitution. It is the backbone of our democracy, ensuring the rule of law and protection of human rights, and reflecting our dedication to justice and fairness. It is a testament to our founding fathers’ foresight, who envisaged a nation where everyone is free and equal under the law. While we’ve never been perfect in its execution, every citizen has the responsibility to uphold these principles, safeguarding the rights and freedoms that define us as a nation. The Fourth of July gives us the opportunity to recommit ourselves to these principles, honoring the legacy of our forefathers and fulfilling our duties as citizens.

Thomas Jefferson monument

One of the most inspiring monuments in Washington DC, The Thomas Jefferson Memorial

The Fourth of July should be a day of reflection, gratitude, and unity. It is a day when we, as a nation, come together to appreciate our past, enjoy our present, and anticipate our future. I am truly grateful for the Fourth of July celebrations. I am thankful for the many freedoms my family enjoys and the opportunities these liberties provide. We need to also remember that these freedoms didn’t come without a price. I also appreciate the sacrifices made by the countless men and women who have worked, fought, and given their lives to ensure our freedom.

I hope everyone has a safe and inspiring Fourth of July holiday!

Christian Buckley

Christian is a Microsoft Regional Director and M365 Apps & Services MVP, and an award-winning product marketer and technology evangelist, based in Silicon Slopes (Lehi), Utah. He sits on the board of TekkiGurus, is an advisor for both revealit.TV and WellnessWits, and provides channel and marketing services for Microsoft partners. He hosts the quarterly #CollabTalk TweetJam, the weekly #CollabTalk Podcast, and the Microsoft 365 Ask-Me-Anything (#M365AMA) series.

1 Response

  1. August 1, 2023

    […] Celebrating the 4th of July [blog] […]